Monday, July 27, 2009

A movie, jealousy

Neon Gold is going positively crazy about this video!! I see their point. look.

Miles Fisher - This Must Be The Place (Cover) from Miles Fisher on Vimeo.

i felt some feelings of jealousy today, partly caused by being replaced as a bff... oh well, for real it is sort of okay, but i looked up a bit on jealousy online, and never having thought much about it i find this pretty interesting: (off

"Is Jealousy threatening your relationships? Jealousy involves fear, fear of loss, insecurity, the worry of being replaced with someone else. Jealousy is directly related to your self-esteem and leads to self-defeating behaviors. It can cause people to act desperately, it can control your life.

What causes jealousy? Where do these unwanted emotions come from? Causes may include low self-esteem and confidence, a belief that you are not good enough. You may be more susceptible to jealousy if you have a history of experiences that created distrust, maturity also effects jealousy, over dependent people who rely solely on their mate or for gratification are susceptible.

If you become more authentic you can get past your jealousy by creating your own uniqueness. Do not get in the habit of comparing yourself to other people. You are an individual with your own personality.

Throughout our lives we play patterns of interaction we have learned from our culture. When we feel the threat of being replaced in one of our roles, we become desperate and feel the need to be the best player of that part. Our inner voice tells us that excellence is the best way to beat the competition. So we compete with ourselves: We try to be the best companions for those we want to attract, the best partner, best sex-partners, best cooks, the most fun. In doing so, you lose your individuality. Your personality comes from your uniqueness. Find out what’s missing in your life, and pursue it. Find out who you are and let it show. Real love arises from the appreciation of each other's uniqueness

You are responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Learn to identify and challenge irrational thoughts and beliefs and develop your healthy ones. Realize that no one is the best at everything and in trying you will lose yourself. Stay true to who you are and others will stay true to you."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009